We went back this week to see the place a little greener. Still have yet to see inside but we're planning to do that in August.

The house from afar.

View from the terrace. The fountain (much cleaner!) with the lower lawn in the background. We've decided to have the ceremony here instead of the much larger upper lawn. It's prettier, flowerier (if that's a word), quieter, cozier, and there are fountains on either end.

The fountain with the terrace wall and house in the background. (Hidden behind the trees.)

A wider angle.

Beautiful blooming gardens. I also love the rock face.

Stairs to get to the lower lawn. This will be fun in heels! We're thinking of either providing several pairs of "courtesy flip-flops" for guests to traverse the uneven terrain, or else have the ushers escort anyone who needs help. The steps aren't steep, they're just rather bumpy. I just now realized I didn't take a shot from below! Woopsie.

One of the back gardens.